
Being a mom of three boys

I will be talking about my life with my boys and how things go from day to day


February 2014

my anniversary

So today is my wedding anniversary, we have been married for a while now. Its been a fun and exciting ride. I love my husband and the family we have created together, we have three awesome, wild boys. We have two bangle cats that are also wild and crazy and a Maltese named after a great kung fu master Ip Man. We named him IpDog, it was joke but my oldest son thought it was a wonderful idea. We just ran with it.

We have a lot going on and we are a very active family. Today is going to be a long day as I have to work all day and tonight with my cleaning business. I might have everyone go to the strawberry festival, I haven’t been in years. I used to love going as a kid. I think my boys might like going. 

My house is loud and a bit chilly for us Floridians. I think its in the 60’s, I know my in laws are laughing right now as they are in maine and this would be great and shorts wearing weather. For my I have my fleece pants and LLBean slippers on and I have a very warm cup of coffee. 

Well Happy Anniversary to me and my husband!!

two of the four of the men in my life

Happy anniversary !!

The naked boy

So my youngest son, hates to wear clothes. I am not sure if he hates to wear them but never keeps them on for very long. He always has an excuse, to why he has taken them off. Its a chore to keep just underwear ON. I have to convince him to put them on to go outside to play and still he will find a reason to take them off while he out there and bring tim to me.He will have to go pee outside or they get wet or dirty or that become to big some how! I think the people in my neighborhood think I am probably the crazy one on the block, its always a fight to get clothes on. Just can’t for the day when he keeps them on all day. It will be bittersweet, know the wild man is gone to being normal. 

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