
Being a mom of three boys

I will be talking about my life with my boys and how things go from day to day


How we do it!

Summer time heat 

So we live in Florida and it’s not even summer yet but heat is crawling up. It’s hot and it’s not fun from time to time. 

We have family down from Maine and they are talking about how hot it is and it’s not that hot yet. It’s on the 80’s but here the heat and the humidity can get yeah. 

The thing I have to keep telling them is that need to talk salt and potassium. It’s sure needed down here espeically if you AREN’T from here. People think if they drink enough water they will be fine but you need that salt and potassium. It’s  makes a huge difference. 

I know people are thinking that salt and potassium isn’t what is needed it water but really it’s all three. 


My duct tape wallets

Hello I have been making duct tape wallets for a pretty minute now and I have been selling them on etsy. I want to make more sales but unsure how to do it 

I have been reading and researching my ass of but I don’t know what I am doing wrong. It’s mind boggling and now I have to figure out how to add this blog to the shop. 

I really want to make a go of it but I need sales. Help help!!!’

Potty training could be simple or could be hard!

Ok so I have three boys and I have had a home daycare. Potty training has been come a two week mission and it’s done. I mean it’s easy and simple………but you need to know the tricks of the trade.

I mean you could go out and spend money on pull ups or those cool toilets or you could go the easy way and the cheap way. That works every time.

I mean buy some underwear or not if you have boys and that’s it. Nothing else you need. Wild how much money can be made off of potty training. I never understood why you would go from diapers to pull ups they are same thing and they are more expensive and you get less in a package. Sorry it’s complete rip off.

There are a few steps that need to happen to make the potty training go smoothly
1. Be ready accidents
2. Stay calm
3. Explain what you expect from your child to your child, they understand way more than you think they can, let them know why you are changing from the diapers to underwear, explain what the big deal is about the toilet. They are growing up and that’s awesome!
4. Remind them they have to do, you will be come a broken record of “do you need to go potty?” For about a day! Keep reminding, think about this they have never really had to worry about where they peed or pooped you keep that in mind and they need a reminder.
5. Reward them with sticker or a small piece of candy. I mean it’s a big deal, they are making this huge change. They need a treat or exchange for putting their pee or poo in your toilet.

I hope this will help some of you. I know these thing have helped me potty train my three boys and many other kids that have come through my home daycare.
Potty training can be easy if you make sure you have prepared for it. If your child is ready and you have been talking about it. Then get started. It will save you money and time from those stinky diapers.
If you have any comments or questions please feel free to ask.

September is here!

I just have to say that I can’t believe it’s already September. I mean this year has really gone by fast. It only seems like yesterday that is was Christmas and now that’s only 4 months away.

My oldest son is now 8 and my baby will be 3, two days after Halloween, damn! I remember as a kid life seem to go so slow and everything moved at a crawl, now in the blink of an eye the year is half over, or than half over.

I wish there was a way to slow time down when you wanted it, that would be great. Speed it up when you wanted too and slow it down at certain times.

I am thankful for everything I do have, I have a great family and crazy life. I love every minute of it. My three boys are very different but great! I love me life.

I started write this blog months ago and reading it over has made me realize this is what most mornings sound like at my house. Please read and know that this is how my day starts almost every day. Wow!

Good morning and welcome to my blog. I am a mom of three that works from home and I am one busy mom. I have so many things to do and so many things that I need to get done. My boys are growing so fast and they never take a break.

Its 8 in the morning and I already need a nap thats wild. I would love to take a day and just nap and not get out of bed. Stay in my PJ’s and do NOTHING!

Well that is a dream of mine and may be one day it will happen. I have to finish curtains for my boys room today and get more little business off the ground and I need to work on gutting things in order for my next project. Life is never slow for me.

After I think all this to myself, I realize I have three children I need to get to and home school them. Luckily it was all a few moments and I am back to reality.

My day starts at 6:30 and doesn’t end till around 1 in the morning. I know many moms out there that work longer house and clean more than I do but I am tired and need to get to sleep at around 1in morning. I don’t know about you but I am dragging and ready for my bed with my pillow.

I love my family and I love being able to work from home but I do like the idea of a day off.

OMG! I am so ready for a vacation. We are getting ready to pack up the three boys and drive ALL THE WAY to Maine. It’s a long drive from Florida. We have been doing it for years, but it’s gets hard as we get into New England.

The boys do pretty well they have their games and looking out the window doesn’t get old. The bathroom breaks get to be a bit much, but being in the car for over 24 hours is hard for anyone.

It’s cheaper than flying and less red tape. We also get to bring our dog. People ask me why would put myself through that but it’s not as bad as you think. The boys are excited to get to Maine, the cool weather, the extended family, and the amazing outdoors. Maine is gorgeous this time of year. I think every should go in the summer for at least a few days.

We have a lot to pack. It’s seems like I walkways need something and I never bring everything. I make list after list and I always forget something. I am not sure how to handle that.

As the boys have gotten older than are more excited than ever. It’s been fun talking about what we want to do what we want to play together. We will be relaxing and have some pool time. It might to cold for this native Floridian, I love it in Maine but the cold pool is not something I like getting into. I get cold and it’s not fun teeth chattering, lips going blue, not my ideal of fun.

With all that I still can’t wait to get to Maine.

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