
Being a mom of three boys

I will be talking about my life with my boys and how things go from day to day



Day or two or a week after my birthday 

I haven’t posted in a while but I really need too. My birthday was Sunday. And I am 30something. I don’t know if I am ready to really say it out loud. It seems old in my head. I don’t feel that old. It seems hard to think that I am that old. Wow. 

I don’t think I look that old but that is my own view point. Haha!! It was a good day. I had a fun day spending time with my family.  We had Chinese and hung out around the house. Laid low. I love it. 

Well birthday wishes came flooding in on Facebook. It was nice. I like it. I did thanks everyone that wrote in. I feel that is something people don’t do and should really. I know it’s not hard writing “happy birthday” on someone’s wall but it’s nice. And saying thanks should be natural. And it’s not like it really takes that long. 

Birthdays are something that I have grown to like. I wasn’t always all about the birthdays. I have friends that love their birthdays and they love the whole things the presents the people say happy birthday. The whole nine yards. I haven’t always liked it. The thought of getting older has been scary. The presents are cool but the thought of getting older. Is very real to me. Now as I have gotten older I have realized that age is a number and that isn’t what or who you are. You are you and that’s not going to change as the body gets older. That is comforting. That is what makes me like birthdays now. 

I missed last week….

So I was going to write a blog everyday last week and that didn’t happened. I completely forgot. I guess I should have set a reminder in my phone. I usually do that so  I don’t forgot. But I thought oh on!! I really think I am going to do this everyday. …….right!!!

I really completely forgot. And now it’s Monday and I am thinking about what I need to do and my blog pops in my head. And I remember,oh shit! I forgot. There was a few more curse words in there, than just one. But you get the idea. 

As I sit here at my kitchen table drinking the much needed coffee. I think that I should have a plan as to write I will write about each day. Maybe that’s why I don’t write enough,I don’t have a plan for I am going to write. 

So that’s my plan today along with write in book and run the gym and homeschooling my boys. I better write it down quick before I forget!!!

I know I could spend days talking about homeschooling I get so many questions. It always a topic people don’t have all the data the data on they need to be so opinionated about it. 

Well I am going to get on drinking my coffee and coming up with a better plan for writing today. 

That reminds my I need to work on my book. I have the beginning done. It’s a book on being a crossfitting Mom. So it’s my journey through crossfit with having kids and no time to work out. 

Summer time heat 

So we live in Florida and it’s not even summer yet but heat is crawling up. It’s hot and it’s not fun from time to time. 

We have family down from Maine and they are talking about how hot it is and it’s not that hot yet. It’s on the 80’s but here the heat and the humidity can get yeah. 

The thing I have to keep telling them is that need to talk salt and potassium. It’s sure needed down here espeically if you AREN’T from here. People think if they drink enough water they will be fine but you need that salt and potassium. It’s  makes a huge difference. 

I know people are thinking that salt and potassium isn’t what is needed it water but really it’s all three. 


Making scarves in Florida 


So that’s one of my scarves that I have made and starting to sell on my etsy shop. 

I love making them. I make the scarves on looms. They are so easy to use. I have thought about five classes on how to do it. The easy to knit different kinds of stitches. I just googled new ones all the time. 

I am working on my dr. Who style scarves. I am working on one right now that’s already 8 feet long. 

I love working with my looms. I have so many of them. They come in all different sizes and shapes. I have some that you can change the size, others that stay the same size.  

For knitting it’s the way to go for me. I just love making stuff with them. I have made arm cuffs and leg warmers and cowls. I can’t wait to finish my blanket. 

Having three boys!

I love having three boys, I am quick to tell people that don’t want any girls, as that’s what they ask. I mean it’s like I tell someone “yes I have thee kids” and they ask do you have girls. The truth is I never wanted any girls.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against having girls,it’s just not what I wanted. I didn’t know how many kids I wanted but I knew I didn’t want any girls.

They change and go through a period of time where they don’t want to have anything to do with their moms. I didn’t want that. I am not saying I want to control my boys or have Mommas boys, but I do want them to be able to ask me and my husband for help. I want to be there for them, I don’t want to be pushed away.

I they will move out and get married and have lives of their own and families. I will be ready to help and hope they will let me be there to help.

I don’t have to worry that or when they are going to

About my oldest Son

He was the first, he was one that started it all. He is a great kid, but boy can he push my buttons. He can be so smart, funny and he takes care of my other guys like a champ. I am glad he was the first he made the road for the other two pretty easy.

He is 8 this year and boy is he going on 13-14 it’s like having a teenager around. Wow, he can go from this cute kid to a grow man in a second, it’s amazing how they go up. It’s so fast.

part of my family!!

We are in maine for christmas in this photo. I love getting all wrapped but I love the weather in florida for winter!

my first baby boy

My first baby wasn’t easy ,I mean they don’t come with warning labels or handbooks. I really wish they came with something!

Everyone has their own way of doing things and their own ideas. And people have no problem telling you what you should be doing. What happen to Mother’s taking care of their our kids and not putting their two cents. Don’t get me wrong if I ask for your help, please give it. If  I am in the store I don;t need your side comments.

I have three boys and NO I don’t want to keep trying for a girl. I really didn’t want any girls.I am happy with the boys I got what I wanted. Sorry enough on my rant

Thing is people need to worry about themselves and their families not other peoples families. I am all for help and advice but When I don’t know you why are you giving it to me.


Staying at home with kids!

I have been a stay home home mom for a few years, I love it. Its not as easy as most people think, I have three boys and I watch other people children from time to time. It give my kids a group and they aren’t just with me and only me. That would drive my crazy! I think that would drive them crazy!

I will say its never dull and they get into everything and I have been able to master doing things two and three times. Cleaning is never done, I look a friends houses that don’t have their kids home all day and think WOW how clean is that? I mean my house is clean but not as clean as I would like it to be or how clean it was when I didn’t have  kids. Kids are great but they have stuff and mess makings their DNA!

My husband and I were looking for something and started tiring the house apart and the kids got so excited it was like a field day for them. They loved it! i got down a box that I hadn’t labeled and my oldest was like “we better open it!” and thinking to find what we were looking for not sure if I put it away in there I had too, I was not happy but it had to be done. My guys loved what was inside… was all the halloween stuff and decoration we hadn’t used in years. They played with that stuff for about 20 -25 minutes .Thats a long time for a my guys they are off in to something else, as soon as I feel I will have minute to get something done, then its gone.

Like I have been working on this blog for a few days and some days I just think about doing the blog. People think that as a stay home mom you get a break and you get to sit around all day. I don’t get much time to think let alone sit. I mean I have homeschooling to do. DIshes that need washed kids that need food. It never ends. I mean even when Dad comes home I am still working.

Being home is great and love it . I won’t change it for the whorl but its not as easy as people think. I would love to hear your stay at home life and I would love to hear from the moms that work outside the house!



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