
Being a mom of three boys

I will be talking about my life with my boys and how things go from day to day


three kids

Potty training could be simple or could be hard!

Ok so I have three boys and I have had a home daycare. Potty training has been come a two week mission and it’s done. I mean it’s easy and simple………but you need to know the tricks of the trade.

I mean you could go out and spend money on pull ups or those cool toilets or you could go the easy way and the cheap way. That works every time.

I mean buy some underwear or not if you have boys and that’s it. Nothing else you need. Wild how much money can be made off of potty training. I never understood why you would go from diapers to pull ups they are same thing and they are more expensive and you get less in a package. Sorry it’s complete rip off.

There are a few steps that need to happen to make the potty training go smoothly
1. Be ready accidents
2. Stay calm
3. Explain what you expect from your child to your child, they understand way more than you think they can, let them know why you are changing from the diapers to underwear, explain what the big deal is about the toilet. They are growing up and that’s awesome!
4. Remind them they have to do, you will be come a broken record of “do you need to go potty?” For about a day! Keep reminding, think about this they have never really had to worry about where they peed or pooped you keep that in mind and they need a reminder.
5. Reward them with sticker or a small piece of candy. I mean it’s a big deal, they are making this huge change. They need a treat or exchange for putting their pee or poo in your toilet.

I hope this will help some of you. I know these thing have helped me potty train my three boys and many other kids that have come through my home daycare.
Potty training can be easy if you make sure you have prepared for it. If your child is ready and you have been talking about it. Then get started. It will save you money and time from those stinky diapers.
If you have any comments or questions please feel free to ask.

Only day two on vacation!

So here we are in Maine! It’s very beautiful, and the weather is perfect. We had a long drive to get here. We weren’t speeding, we were just taking our sweet time.

The kids were great in the back seat and the dog slept most of the way here. So the drive wasn’t painful, other than the time it took. Wow! It really took us longer than usual.

We are staying with my husbands family. We have some tight quarters, but the view so worth it. We have his sisters garden to eat fresh veggies from, we have woods right behind the house for the kids to play in and the weather has been not to hot or not to cold, it’s just right!

It’s only been two day but it’s very calming and relaxing here. We haven’t got much to worry about when on vacation, we have to figure out which pool to use.

I can see why Maine has been called the vacationland state. The summers are priceless. The winters are a different story.

Oh yeah! The boys helped make a rope swing in the garden and were so happy about that…… It really is a vacationland place. Everyone should come to Maine at least for two weeks in the summer, once in there lives.

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