
Being a mom of three boys

I will be talking about my life with my boys and how things go from day to day


Life of a Mom with three Boys

I am a stay at home mom that has three awesome,crazy and wild boys. My home is always semi-clean and never as clean as I would like it. My family is the first thing on my mind and sleep is the last thing…. that is one thing I wish I got more of in my life. I love to crossFit. We as a family all do it. I also love being crafty and making things, when I can find the time,may be around midnight! I love making my boys drawings come to life and into stuffed animals. Its a side job I do. We homeschool and are very big on FAMILY!!

Day or two or a week after my birthday 

I haven’t posted in a while but I really need too. My birthday was Sunday. And I am 30something. I don’t know if I am ready to really say it out loud. It seems old in my head. I don’t feel that old. It seems hard to think that I am that old. Wow. 

I don’t think I look that old but that is my own view point. Haha!! It was a good day. I had a fun day spending time with my family.  We had Chinese and hung out around the house. Laid low. I love it. 

Well birthday wishes came flooding in on Facebook. It was nice. I like it. I did thanks everyone that wrote in. I feel that is something people don’t do and should really. I know it’s not hard writing “happy birthday” on someone’s wall but it’s nice. And saying thanks should be natural. And it’s not like it really takes that long. 

Birthdays are something that I have grown to like. I wasn’t always all about the birthdays. I have friends that love their birthdays and they love the whole things the presents the people say happy birthday. The whole nine yards. I haven’t always liked it. The thought of getting older has been scary. The presents are cool but the thought of getting older. Is very real to me. Now as I have gotten older I have realized that age is a number and that isn’t what or who you are. You are you and that’s not going to change as the body gets older. That is comforting. That is what makes me like birthdays now. 

Second Day post

 It’s not a good title but it’s the trust. Here is it the second day of the week and guess what, I remembered to write something. Yay!!! I am glad that I wrote it down. I think writing lists helps out greatly. When I don’t write them I don’t feel like I have done much  but when I can put a line through something I have done, well that feels, damn good!!  

This year has started off with a few bumps and bruises but that’s just the start. The year has 365 days and they can’t all be bad. Some will be harder than others but if we keep push forward, good things will happen. 

I have realized that the things you need to look at in times like these are all the good things happening. I know it sounds cheesy. But it’s true. I mean look at all the things you have. Looks at all the things you have made go right. Whether it be your career, your business,  your kids. These are things to be proud of, these are good things. 

I get it,life and gravity,has away of pushing us down but every night ,we grow that 1/4 or 1/2 inch back that gravity takes from us. What that says to me is you have to keep your head up and moving forward. It ends well. 

It’s not all wine and roses some days it’s dirty beer and sand,but you have to make the best of that day and keep your chin up. Tomorrow is a new day. 

Also I realized that you have to be in charge of what happens to you. No one else. If you want a new car well you better work for it and make it happen, no one going to give it you. Come on, money doesn’t grow on trees. Haha!!

Well keep your chin up. I know I am going to and keep moving forward. 

I missed last week….

So I was going to write a blog everyday last week and that didn’t happened. I completely forgot. I guess I should have set a reminder in my phone. I usually do that so  I don’t forgot. But I thought oh on!! I really think I am going to do this everyday. …….right!!!

I really completely forgot. And now it’s Monday and I am thinking about what I need to do and my blog pops in my head. And I remember,oh shit! I forgot. There was a few more curse words in there, than just one. But you get the idea. 

As I sit here at my kitchen table drinking the much needed coffee. I think that I should have a plan as to write I will write about each day. Maybe that’s why I don’t write enough,I don’t have a plan for I am going to write. 

So that’s my plan today along with write in book and run the gym and homeschooling my boys. I better write it down quick before I forget!!!

I know I could spend days talking about homeschooling I get so many questions. It always a topic people don’t have all the data the data on they need to be so opinionated about it. 

Well I am going to get on drinking my coffee and coming up with a better plan for writing today. 

That reminds my I need to work on my book. I have the beginning done. It’s a book on being a crossfitting Mom. So it’s my journey through crossfit with having kids and no time to work out. 

Time change….

So I already wrote this a few minutes ago but for some reason it’s gone and I even posted this one on Facebook but then it was gone. Oh well. I guess I will write it again. 

The time has changed I think we fell back… I really don’t know. If it’s fall forward or fall back. I think the whole time change thing is odd. I get why they used to do but know it’s not really needed but we don’t change it or stop doing it. It’s all odd. 

Oh well. I and still laying trying to fall asleep and trying to get my mind to realize that it’s time for bed and we should go to sleep but that doesn’t seem to happen. 

So I will lay here and write on my blog. I need to be better at writing it. I do enjoy doing it. It’s just my proofreading isn’t the greatest. I rush rush and mess words up. 

I really need to better at looking it over before I get it out to you but I can’t make any promises. I will try. 

So as I lay here and write I am listening to king fu panda. I do love the movie. It’s a great one to fall asleep to. Right before I hit the hay I shut it off. I do like to watch surging I have seen a few times to go to sleep. I don’t know about you but ithelps my   mind to relax. 

Well I am going to try an sleep. Good night all 

Thinking of writing a book. 

Wow it’s been a long time since I have written anything on this blog. I have been meaning to and I always want to……… but time. Time always seems to get in the way. I never have enough of it. It seems like we want to do things but never get around to doing them. 

I have to homeschool the boys or market the gym or clean the house or work on my craft. Well now I want to write a book. I have decide I am going to do it. 

It will be self-published and I will put it on Amazon and we will see how that goes. I have written a few blogs here and I have written paper for school so it can’t be all that bad. Haha!! I hope. 

Having three boys that I homeschool and we just opened a gym in February I figure why not?! What have I got to lose nothing and it if it doesn’t work out then that’s one less thing on my bucket list. 

I think it will be about moms that work out. I mean I know boat load about working at a gym and finding that balence between good health and happy family. 

I just wonder how many people with be interested in it. I wish I could take a surgery and see how would be?! 

I will keep you updated. 

Trying to write this blog

Here is one the new wallets I have made. I love making them. I really wish they would sell better online. When I have at a craft show or take them out in person they sell like hot cakes but not online. 

Sorry I posted a picture that doesn’t have much to do with writing a blog but I have been wanting to write about my crafts but I usually get side tracked. Writing things down to blog about has not really worked for me. 

This writing thing, hasn’t always been easy, I mean I am not a very good writer. I don’t always get what I am trying to say out the the way  I want to. It’s not easy being cheesy…..on paper or text. 

I wish I was better at it. And I think the way that will happen will be from writing a lot more blogs than I have. I have to be willing to put the hours in to it. I have to be ready for it. I have to prepare for it. I can just fly by the seat of my pants, I have been doing. 

So I am going to write a post every day this month letting everyone know what I plan on doing for the day or ideas I have. I really want to get in to blogging. And maybe something will happen with it. 

So even though today is the second. It’s my first post of 30 for a month. 

Summer time heat 

So we live in Florida and it’s not even summer yet but heat is crawling up. It’s hot and it’s not fun from time to time. 

We have family down from Maine and they are talking about how hot it is and it’s not that hot yet. It’s on the 80’s but here the heat and the humidity can get yeah. 

The thing I have to keep telling them is that need to talk salt and potassium. It’s sure needed down here espeically if you AREN’T from here. People think if they drink enough water they will be fine but you need that salt and potassium. It’s  makes a huge difference. 

I know people are thinking that salt and potassium isn’t what is needed it water but really it’s all three. 


Making scarves in Florida 


So that’s one of my scarves that I have made and starting to sell on my etsy shop. 

I love making them. I make the scarves on looms. They are so easy to use. I have thought about five classes on how to do it. The easy to knit different kinds of stitches. I just googled new ones all the time. 

I am working on my dr. Who style scarves. I am working on one right now that’s already 8 feet long. 

I love working with my looms. I have so many of them. They come in all different sizes and shapes. I have some that you can change the size, others that stay the same size.  

For knitting it’s the way to go for me. I just love making stuff with them. I have made arm cuffs and leg warmers and cowls. I can’t wait to finish my blanket. 

My duct tape wallets

Hello I have been making duct tape wallets for a pretty minute now and I have been selling them on etsy. I want to make more sales but unsure how to do it 

I have been reading and researching my ass of but I don’t know what I am doing wrong. It’s mind boggling and now I have to figure out how to add this blog to the shop. 

I really want to make a go of it but I need sales. Help help!!!’

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