
Being a mom of three boys

I will be talking about my life with my boys and how things go from day to day



Thinking of writing a book. 

Wow it’s been a long time since I have written anything on this blog. I have been meaning to and I always want to……… but time. Time always seems to get in the way. I never have enough of it. It seems like we want to do things but never get around to doing them. 

I have to homeschool the boys or market the gym or clean the house or work on my craft. Well now I want to write a book. I have decide I am going to do it. 

It will be self-published and I will put it on Amazon and we will see how that goes. I have written a few blogs here and I have written paper for school so it can’t be all that bad. Haha!! I hope. 

Having three boys that I homeschool and we just opened a gym in February I figure why not?! What have I got to lose nothing and it if it doesn’t work out then that’s one less thing on my bucket list. 

I think it will be about moms that work out. I mean I know boat load about working at a gym and finding that balence between good health and happy family. 

I just wonder how many people with be interested in it. I wish I could take a surgery and see how would be?! 

I will keep you updated. 

My life as a mom of three!

So I think today I am going to go on a bit of a rant. I will probably get distracted and have to leave and save this for later so I won’t remember what or how I wanted to say it.

See I started this yesterday and now I am not sure what the rant was going to be about let me think…..

An now I have left this for a few days and I can’t even remember what I was going to go off about. Man! One thing that comes to mind, is that since I work at home that I don’t do as much as people that have “real” jobs. Yes I have heard that before many times. Let me back up a bit and say that I have three boys and I have a home daycare. So I am home a lot and we are always busy. Almost always have any where from 3 to 6 kids at my house at any given time. My house is clean but not clean clean, I mean I am always cleaning and picking up things but it’s never as clean and tighty as I would like. The guys are always into something. Now I think people who work out of the home work just as hard. What people don’t get about working in the home is there is never a break in the day where you leave your job to go home. The home is he job and something’s it gets confusing as to when you stop. Don’t get my wrong I wouldn’t change being able to work from home at all, I love spending time with my boys and their friends. I love being the one who gets to teach my kids what they learn.

I just want to say that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. It’s hard on both sides of the grass. On one you stay home and be with your kids and they can drive you crazy then on the other you have to leave your kids with another person to take care of them. It’s hard.

I love what I do but I hate when people say “Well you work at home, it’s not the same”. It’s just annoying.

Thank you. I will now step down off the soap box.

September is here!

I just have to say that I can’t believe it’s already September. I mean this year has really gone by fast. It only seems like yesterday that is was Christmas and now that’s only 4 months away.

My oldest son is now 8 and my baby will be 3, two days after Halloween, damn! I remember as a kid life seem to go so slow and everything moved at a crawl, now in the blink of an eye the year is half over, or than half over.

I wish there was a way to slow time down when you wanted it, that would be great. Speed it up when you wanted too and slow it down at certain times.

I am thankful for everything I do have, I have a great family and crazy life. I love every minute of it. My three boys are very different but great! I love me life.

My Moxie!

I don’t think I have ever talked about my beautiful cat,Moxie. He was a bangel/Savannah mix. He looked like a leopard. He was amazing. He was smart, cute and bit of a d-i-c-k, from time to time. I mean one time I didn’t let him outside fast enough and peed on me, I mean who does that.
He got run over this week. He was a gorgeous cat. He had such a gentle personality, my kids would pick him up and carry him around the house, and he never cared. He was a true gentlemen, he was so relaxed.
This wasn’t the first time he had been ran over,so my kids thought he made it and was at the vet again. That wasn’t the case this time. It was hard for all of us. We had a little service after my husband buried him and put a stone over so they didn’t get to see him. We said some nice words and my middle guy who is 4 said “I love and will miss Moxie but, boy what a dummy for laying in the road.”
He would lay in the road all the time and our neighbors would be kind and drive around him or honk at him. He was a boob like that.
We have his sister. She has been depressed and looking for him. It’s very sad and she has been very clingy and SHE is not like that. I mean you usually very stand offish.
I am not sure we should get another and if so, how soon, do I get the same kind? I so many questions and wonders about what to do next? After the grieving process?

I started write this blog months ago and reading it over has made me realize this is what most mornings sound like at my house. Please read and know that this is how my day starts almost every day. Wow!

Good morning and welcome to my blog. I am a mom of three that works from home and I am one busy mom. I have so many things to do and so many things that I need to get done. My boys are growing so fast and they never take a break.

Its 8 in the morning and I already need a nap thats wild. I would love to take a day and just nap and not get out of bed. Stay in my PJ’s and do NOTHING!

Well that is a dream of mine and may be one day it will happen. I have to finish curtains for my boys room today and get more little business off the ground and I need to work on gutting things in order for my next project. Life is never slow for me.

After I think all this to myself, I realize I have three children I need to get to and home school them. Luckily it was all a few moments and I am back to reality.

My day starts at 6:30 and doesn’t end till around 1 in the morning. I know many moms out there that work longer house and clean more than I do but I am tired and need to get to sleep at around 1in morning. I don’t know about you but I am dragging and ready for my bed with my pillow.

I love my family and I love being able to work from home but I do like the idea of a day off.

Only day two on vacation!

So here we are in Maine! It’s very beautiful, and the weather is perfect. We had a long drive to get here. We weren’t speeding, we were just taking our sweet time.

The kids were great in the back seat and the dog slept most of the way here. So the drive wasn’t painful, other than the time it took. Wow! It really took us longer than usual.

We are staying with my husbands family. We have some tight quarters, but the view so worth it. We have his sisters garden to eat fresh veggies from, we have woods right behind the house for the kids to play in and the weather has been not to hot or not to cold, it’s just right!

It’s only been two day but it’s very calming and relaxing here. We haven’t got much to worry about when on vacation, we have to figure out which pool to use.

I can see why Maine has been called the vacationland state. The summers are priceless. The winters are a different story.

Oh yeah! The boys helped make a rope swing in the garden and were so happy about that…… It really is a vacationland place. Everyone should come to Maine at least for two weeks in the summer, once in there lives.

my first baby boy

My first baby wasn’t easy ,I mean they don’t come with warning labels or handbooks. I really wish they came with something!

Everyone has their own way of doing things and their own ideas. And people have no problem telling you what you should be doing. What happen to Mother’s taking care of their our kids and not putting their two cents. Don’t get me wrong if I ask for your help, please give it. If  I am in the store I don;t need your side comments.

I have three boys and NO I don’t want to keep trying for a girl. I really didn’t want any girls.I am happy with the boys I got what I wanted. Sorry enough on my rant

Thing is people need to worry about themselves and their families not other peoples families. I am all for help and advice but When I don’t know you why are you giving it to me.


Staying at home with kids!

I have been a stay home home mom for a few years, I love it. Its not as easy as most people think, I have three boys and I watch other people children from time to time. It give my kids a group and they aren’t just with me and only me. That would drive my crazy! I think that would drive them crazy!

I will say its never dull and they get into everything and I have been able to master doing things two and three times. Cleaning is never done, I look a friends houses that don’t have their kids home all day and think WOW how clean is that? I mean my house is clean but not as clean as I would like it to be or how clean it was when I didn’t have  kids. Kids are great but they have stuff and mess makings their DNA!

My husband and I were looking for something and started tiring the house apart and the kids got so excited it was like a field day for them. They loved it! i got down a box that I hadn’t labeled and my oldest was like “we better open it!” and thinking to find what we were looking for not sure if I put it away in there I had too, I was not happy but it had to be done. My guys loved what was inside… was all the halloween stuff and decoration we hadn’t used in years. They played with that stuff for about 20 -25 minutes .Thats a long time for a my guys they are off in to something else, as soon as I feel I will have minute to get something done, then its gone.

Like I have been working on this blog for a few days and some days I just think about doing the blog. People think that as a stay home mom you get a break and you get to sit around all day. I don’t get much time to think let alone sit. I mean I have homeschooling to do. DIshes that need washed kids that need food. It never ends. I mean even when Dad comes home I am still working.

Being home is great and love it . I won’t change it for the whorl but its not as easy as people think. I would love to hear your stay at home life and I would love to hear from the moms that work outside the house!



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